Parental Alienation
My Child is becoming more Distant.
We've always been close, what is happening?
Is This What They Call Parental Alienation?
Did you know that some form of Parental Alienation occurs in almost every divorce and child custody action?
Parental Alienation is defined as when the efforts of one parent cause their child to dislike or to fear the other parent.
Unless you recognize the signs of parental alienation and take immediate steps to remedy the situation, you can lose your children, emotionally and physically, faster than you thought possible.
I have been litigating divorce and custody cases for over 30 years. I have seen children destroyed by even the mildest of parental alienation actions.
You must be vigilant in your fight against this deadly syndrome.
Do you recognize any of the following as parental alienation occurring in your case?
1. One parent makes disparaging remarks about the other parent in front of the children.
“Your Father doesn’t have a clue about how to take care of you."
“Your Mother could care less about you. She is on to her new life."
2. One parent discusses marital issues with children.
“Your Father had an affair and that is why our family is now broken."
“Your mother takes all of my money for support so we have nothing to spend on the movies."
“Your Mother’s Attorney is a raving bitch.”
3. A parent acts sad or hurt when the children leave for visitations resulting in the children feeling guilty for going.
"I will miss you so much while you are with your Mom."
"I don't know what I will do with myself while you are at your Dads."
"I can't wait until you get back, I will have ice cream waiting."
This parental alienation handbook includes:
• An description of both mild and severe parental alienation;
• What are the signs to look for to determine if parental alienation is occurring;
• Steps you can take yourself with the children to stop parental alienation;
• Steps you can take with the opposing parent to stop alienation;
• Steps you can take with your attorney and the legal system to obtain enforceable orders to stop parental alienation.
A few minutes of your time can make a world of difference to your children. This little eBook gives you an introduction to the most complex issue of Parental Alienation.